Head of the Palembang City Tourism Office (Kadinpar) Sulaiman Amin and former Head of the Palembang Health Service (Kadinkes) Letizia fulfilled the summons of the Prosecutor's Office, Wednesday, July 10.
Both of them are administrators of the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) summoned by the Palembang District Attorney (Kejari) as witnesses in the case of the Palembang PMI grant. "Yes, I came regarding yesterday's invitation, okay, thank you," said Sulaiman who arrived at the Palembang Kejari office at around 08.20 WIB. and finished the examination at 11.30 WIB.
Meanwhile, Letizia after being questioned admitted that she was at PMI Palembang City did not manage the grant budget. Because she served as a health service and blood donation. "Yes, I have been asked about the grant funds, where the source came from, what was used for. But I don't know anything related to grant funds because at PMI Palembang I only took care of health services and blood donation," he said. Previously, the Palembang Kejari handled public reports related to PMI city budget funds. "Yes, it is true that there are public reports related to PMI management funds and we will summon PMI Palembang, including summoning the chairman of PMI Palembang for questioning," said Head of Special Crimes (Pidsus) Kejari Palembang, Ario Apriyanto.
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