Jakarta - In order to support the government in reducing the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak in Indonesia, President Commissioner of Barito Pacific Group Prajogo Pangestu distributed a donation of IDR 2 billion to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). The distribution of the funds was given directly through the Bakti Barito Foundation.

One of the administrators of the Bhakti Barito Foundation Yazirwan Uyun said that Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital is one of the referral hospitals for the treatment of patients exposed to COVID-19. Therefore, these funds will be very useful in overcoming the virus outbreak.

"This assistance is delivered through a bank account that has been agreed upon with the knowledge and approval of the management and the RSCM Director," said Yazirwan in his official statement, Monday, March 23.

He stated, Barito Pacific continues to monitor the development of the COVID-19 outbreak in this country. The company is also committed to always responding and making efforts to contribute to this situation appropriately.

The donations distributed, he said, would be used to procure medical equipment and supplies such as, among others, test kits, personal protective equipment (PPE), masks, disinfectants, medicines, and others needed to help this government hospital meet the requirements. the need to be able to function in the response to COVID-19.

"In addition, this assistance is expected to strengthen the function of RSCM as a national referral hospital for various cases of disease," he said.

From the internal side, he continued, the Barito Group continues to strive to ensure the safety and welfare of employees in all of the company's business units. The company also encourages everyone to maintain vigilance during this difficult time.

"Let us follow the government's advice to maintain social distancing, avoid unnecessary activities and refrain from going to crowded public places. We advise everyone to follow procedures and be extra diligent in maintaining personal health, safety and hygiene," Yazirwan said.

As of Monday 23 March afternoon, the number of positive patients infected with the COVID-19 virus had reached 579 people, up 65 people from the previous day's data. Of that number, as many as 49 people died, and 30 people were declared cured.

The number of victims who died has increased by 1 person from the data per day yesterday. Most of the victims are still many from Jakarta, reaching 29 people.

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