SURABAYA - Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (Unair) Surabaya Prof Budi Santoso sent a letter of objection to his dismissal as the dean. Prof. Budi wanted a good dialogue with the rectorate Unair. Accompanied by the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Surabaya and the Indonesian Caucus for Academic Freedom (KIKA), Prof. Budi Santoso came to the Unair rectorate, Surabaya, East Java, to submit an objection letter and clarification regarding his dismissal. Prof. Budi Santoso hopes that with the letter he can answer various speculations that arise. In addition, he also wants a good dialogue with Unair leadership, because in his decree (SK) his dismissal did not explain the reason for himself being dismissed from the position of dean. "Our intention is only to submit a letter and question why I was fired? Because in the decree there was no such decision. Second, I do not understand the matter of the law, therefore we and our friends of LBH and KIKA went to the rectorate to question its clarity," said Prof Budi, Monday, July 8. Meanwhile, LBH Surabaya has not yet thought about the legal steps to be taken because it is still waiting for a response from the Unair rector.

"I think that can be asked directly to the rectorate, yes, we do not have the capacity to explain the decree procedure. Regarding the decree, the rector's authority is the one who answers. That is precisely the point that has been our question so far," said Jauhari Kurniawan from LBH Surabaya. After his dismissal as the dean, Prof. Budi Santoso is also still carrying out teaching and guiding activities. However, until now he has not communicated at all with the Unair Chancellor Prof. Mohammad Nasih.

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