JAKARTA - There must be law enforcement against members and workers in the DPR who are exposed to online gambling. Moreover, referring to PPATK data, there are already DPR members who are involved in online gambling games.

The PPATK report and the Online Judi Eradication Task Force also mentioned that the circulation of money in online gambling involving members and workers in the DPR reached Rp 1.9 billion. Member of Commission III of the DPR RI, Didik Mukrianto also supports the plan of the Honorary Council of the House of Representatives (MKD) which will ask for clarification and examination from members of the council suspected of online gambling actors.

"Information from PPATK must be immediately followed up by the DPR MKD and also law enforcement officials. Handle it properly, transparently and professionally," said Didik, Monday, July 8.

Didik also said that the follow-up to online gamblers must be carried out firmly. According to him, whatever the status of the perpetrators does not necessarily make him get privilege in handling online gambling.

"There is no tolerance and any reason the DPR is exposed to judol, it must be clear and clean. For this reason, the DPR must respond quickly to clean up and prevent judol attacks through its members," said Didik.

"Keep the policies and political products of the DPR from judol attacks through their elements," continued the legislator from the East Java IX electoral district.

Didik said that the online gambling condition was quite an emergency. He also hopes that this moment can be used as a measurable evaluation and improvement in the DPR institutions.

"Take care, uphold and respect public trust so far. If the people no longer trust in the DPR, it is not only legitimacy that becomes a problem, but also can potentially become a big problem in our constitutional system," said Didik.

Commission III of the DPR hopes that the online gambling handling process within the DPR can be resolved properly and transparently. The DPR was also asked to remain focused on the duties and functions of the diversity without being affected by this case.

"Let's work together to maintain the integrity and public trust in the DPR RI institution," said the member of the council who is also on duty at the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar).

Didik also hopes that the image of the DPR will continue to be maintained amidst this online gambling issue. He said that only a handful of members of the DPR were suspected of being affected by online gambling, and members were actually working well for the people.

"We will continue to work hard to prove that the DPR RI remains a credible and reliable institution by the community," said Didik.

On the other hand, this member of the House of Representatives Commission in charge of law also asked the Government to be more serious and serious in eradicating online gambling. Didik said that high commitment and consistency from the Government and law enforcers are needed in handling judol.

Not only political will, but a more real action will is needed. It's time for the government to use its extra effort to eradicate online gambling," he said.

Didik added that the Government must be aware of and continue to build collective awareness regarding the dangers and destructive power of online gambling. Because the damaged power of online gambling has been multi-sectoral and the victims have penetrated to the level of grass roots.

"Online gambling knows no age limit, social and gender status. Not only is it local, regional and national, but it is a transnational crime. This crime is transnational, cross-sectoral and cross-border," said Didik.

According to him, the eradication of online gambling must be completed in principle at the upstream level. Didik is also looking forward to major breakthroughs in eradicating online gambling, especially in terms of law enforcement.

'Arrest and take firm action from dealers, defenders, and online gambling influencers!' he said.

"The government through its authority must be fast and firm to close all sites as well as digital access to judol strictly, massively and sustainably," concluded Didik.

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