CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, prohibits all forms of advertisements or billboards for liquor installed in public facilities because they have local regulations (perda) related to zero percent alcohol. Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said his party had ordered the local Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) to dismantle the billboards installed on Jalan Raya Cipanas, to be precise next to the Cipanas Market Police Post which promotes branded liquor. "The billboards that returned to advertising the liquor did not have a permit, so I asked for disassembly. Moreover, Cianjur will not give permission because he has a local regulation of zero percent alcohol,” he said in Cianjur, Antara, Sunday, July 7. He explained that one year ago, his party had asked the Cianjur Satpol PP to control every billboard that was not licensed, especially billboards that installed advertisements for liquor. "Cianjur is also known as a santri city, so there is no place for advertising, including the circulation of liquor. We will coordinate with Forkopimda to create Cianjur with absolutely zero alcohol," he said. Meanwhile, advertisements for branded liquor attached to billboards on Jalan Raya Cipanas measuring about 3x2.5 meters are allegedly installed without permission, thus making question marks for residents passing by, even the existence of advertisements circulating on social media. Some residents who pass by the road every day, do not know for sure when the advertisement for liquor will be installed, but they estimate that around the past week they have seen it. "Suddenly, it has been installed again for the past week, if I'm not mistaken last year there was also an advertisement for branded liquor, I think why the local government gave permission, especially since the advertisement board was located next to the police post," said one local resident, Maman (38). Not only Maman, but some traders who opened businesses not far from the location of the liquor billboard, said they knew the ads installed were just ordinary advertisements, but after going viral on social media they only found out that it was an advertisement for liquor.
"I know last year because I often saw old people's Cap liquor, but I don't know what to do now because it speaks foreign. I don't know who and when to install it," said trader at Cipanas Market Agus Misbah.

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