BOGOR - The full commitment to grow a healthy and strong generation towards Bogor City, zero stunting continues to be intensified by the Bogor City Government (Pemkot).

One of them is through the Basuh Ginting innovation program (Father foster stunting / parents foster stunting) by mobilizing all regional apparatus to participate in efforts to accelerate stunting reduction in Bogor City.

The innovation program, which was launched in 2023, was again promoted by the Acting Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari when he opened the Coordination Meeting for the acceleration of stunting reduction, Bogor Regency.

Hery emphasized that all programs made should be added with other innovations from each regional apparatus and can be run optimally.

So that the collaborative cooperation established in the stunting reduction acceleration team is an increase in service to the community so that it becomes even better.

"The most important thing is a joint commitment, programs are also formed and so on. And run optimally," said Hery when opening the Coordination Meeting.

Based on data in 2023, the stunting rate in Bogor City fell from 2,363 to 1,849 or decreased by 514 children. Then, data from the Bogor City Health Office (Dinkes) from the results of the 2023 balance fell 0.5 percent from 2.3 percent.

At the same location, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bogor City, Syarifah Sofiah said that with this data, the Bogor City Government has an idea to increase efforts to overcome stunting.

For this reason, in 2024, it is necessary to double the extra work by optimizing existing innovation programs, including the Lur City Government (intervention of stunting children by providing protein from eggs) and Basuh Anting.

"That means that our efforts have to be more, make innovations twice, doubly help for stunting children. So all of them twice, when we have 6 months this year. Then later in August from the existing results we will evaluate again," said Syarifah, who also carries out her duties as Chair of the Bogor City Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team.

The stunting reduction, continued Syarifah, is very important from an early age, because each child has two years to grow and develop to be able to escape stunting.

"So that's an effort that we will do. Not only because we are pursuing targets. God willing, when everything goes down, the city of Bogor will welcome demographic bonuses with children growing and developing and good quality," said Syarifah.

Ditegaskan oleh Kepala Dinas Pengendalian Population dan Keluarga Berencana (DPPKB) Kota Bogor, Anas S. Rasmana menjelaskan setiap perangkat daerah memiliki lima tugas utama dalam menjalankan program basuh earrings, yaitu memastikan anak stunting dan risiko stunting memiliki administrasi kependukian, BPJS Kesehatan (Akses pelayanan kesehatan), melakukan pengecekan kondisi rumah (RTLH/tak), mencari donor untuk berikut serta melakukan intervensi melalui makanan tambahan atau pembelasanasi/sanitas dan sebagainya), melakukan sosialisasi dan edukasi, serta melakukan koordinasi apa yang dibutuhkan dalam upaya mengertas stunting kepada perangkat daerah terkait.

"So later for the regional apparatus to check the condition of the house, how is the ventilation, the sanitation then whether in one house there is a smoker, how is the parenting pattern for the consumption of food and so on, then donors or coordination with us or with the relevant agencies directly," said Anas.

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