JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is again taking action against imported products that do not have a certificate of Indonesian national standards (SNI) as a form of commitment to maintain the industrial climate in the country.

"In order to make this happen, the Ministry of Industry supervises the products that have been implemented by SNI in a mandatory manner. In routine supervision, the Ministry of Industry secures products such as electronic types, safety shoes, children's toys, to agricultural machine tools that do not have a certificate of SNI mark use (SPPT)," said Inspector General of the Ministry of Industry Mohammad Rum as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, December 18.

He said that his party together with the National Police on December 16, 2024 confiscated several products that did not have SNI certificates, including 1,320 semi-automatic carriers with a value of Rp. 396 million, and 1,701 pairs of security shoes worth Rp. 2.8 billion with Caterpillar, Navigo, and Septigo brands.

Furthermore, children's toys of various brands with a total of 44,133 units with a total value of Rp1.5 billion with the brands Hochihoku and Zavanese, as well as active speaker products totaling 196 units with a value of Rp311 million with the names W-King, Urbano, and Hafsun.

Head of the Standardization Agency for Industrial Services Policy (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry Andi Rizaldi said that business actors who market products without SNI SPPT were ordered to stop their business activities and prohibit the circulation of products with brands in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

"We ordered all these business actors to stop import activities and be prohibited from distributing products with the above brand. The Ministry of Industry also reminded other business actors, both importers and producers, to seek SNI SPPT for the type of goods whose SNI has been required by the Minister of Industry," he said.

Andi continued, the Ministry of Industry will continue to supervise to ensure business actors remain orderly and comply with SNI provisions stated in Law Number 3 of 2014 concerning Industry.

His findings are mostly products imported from China. Without the ownership of SPPT-SNI, these products have the potential to endanger the safety and security of users, and can undermine domestic business competition.

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