SURABAYA - Densus 88 has revealed evidence related to a terrorist network that was arrested in East Java. There is a charity box, where terrorist suspects raise funds.

The evidence of 22 terrorist suspects was presented to reporters at the East Java Regional Police, Thursday, March 18. There are a number of books on jihad. There are also several infaq cities or charity squares.

There is a book entitled 'Ali Ghufron (Mukhlas): A Sacred Dream Behind Iron Bars' and the title 'Imam Samudra: A Rosella Pelipur Lara'.

Densus 88 Anti-terror also confiscated other evidence, namely sharp weapons, arrows, a charity box and around Rp197 million in cash.

Currently 22 terrorist suspects have been brought from Surabaya to Jakarta. They will be placed in the Cikeas Prison, Bogor.

Evidence from 22 terrorist suspects in East Java (AM Sby / VOI)

East Java Deputy Police Chief, Brigadier General Slamet Hadi Supraptoyo, said 22 suspected terrorists had been entrusted by the Densus 88 Team at the East Java Regional Police detention center since February 26. Now, they are dispatched to the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta to undergo further legal proceedings.

The 22 suspected terrorists were arrested by the Densus 88 Team at the National Police Headquarters, in several areas in East Java including Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Bojonegoro and Malang. From the results of the interrogations carried out on suspected terrorists, that they were included in the forbidden network, namely, Jemaah Islamiah (JI).

Evidence from 22 terrorist suspects in East Java (AM Sby / VOI)

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