The TNI has spoken out regarding the alleged presence of officers behind the house fire that killed journalist Tribata TV Perfect Pasaribu and her family.
Head of Information for Kodam I Bukit Barisan Colonel Inf Rico Siagian confirmed that the cause of the fire that killed Perfect Pasaribu, his wife, children, and grandchildren was purely a fire. Initially, it was suspected that the fire came from inside the house from a gas cylinder or Pertalite oil.
"The fire was purely in the house, there was no indication of a third person burning the deceased's house. The police have conducted a crime scene (TKP) investigation, collected witnesses and evidence showing that there was no element of arson by a third person," Rico said in his statement, Wednesday, July 3.
"This is a pure incident from inside the house. The victim sells pertalite and uses gas cylinders," explained Rico
Rico added that his party was still waiting for the results of the police investigation, autopsy, and forensic laboratory examination from the North Sumatra Police.
On a separate occasion, the North Sumatra Journalists Safety Committee (KKJ) asked the National Police and the TNI to thoroughly investigate the fire case that hit the perfect Pasaribu house, a Tribrata TV journalist in Kabanjahe District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra some time ago.
The results of the interim investigation, KKJ suspected that the fire was allegedly related to news about gambling practices carried out by the late Perfect Pasaribu in Karo Regency, North Sumatra.
Deputy Coordinator of the North Sumatra KKJ, Prayugo Utomo, revealed that during the investigation there were several irregularities, including the alleged involvement of the military in the gambling news on Jalan Captain Bom Ginting, Padang Mas Village, Kabanjahe District.
"Before the fire broke out, there were a number of people who were at the location of the house belonging to Perfect Pasaribu. Another oddity was that we found five people at the location of the fire before the incident occurred," Yugo said on Tuesday.
Yugo also conveyed that the KKJ team found the fact that Perfect Pasaribu had faced threats related to the news he was doing.
"The fire occurred after the victim returned home in the middle of the night. In addition, under police investigation, a witness was asked to delete warning messages from members of the mass organization who stated that the victim was being monitored, but the message was deleted by the police," he explained.
"We also found other irregularities that the victim's child was asked to sign an Investigation Report (BAP) which was never mentioned in the investigation by the police," he added.
The North Sumatra KKJ urged the North Sumatra Police to investigate and disclose this case to the public. They also asked the TNI Commander to investigate involvement if there were any TNI soldiers in the fire incident.
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