Maros Police investigators immediately detained five perpetrators of a network of aircraft passenger suitcase burglars after arriving at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in Makassar, Maros, South Sulawesi, after being transferred by investigators from the Soekarno Hatta Airport Police in Cengkareng, Tangerang City, Banten.

"It has arrived, and we immediately detained it. We will continue the process of investigating the case," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Maros Police, Iptu Aditya, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

The five people who have been named as suspects were brought by investigators from Jakarta to Maros, respectively Tahmid (22), Alfian (24), Darmawan (34), Andi Sukardi (26) and Hendra (28), considering that the location of the burglary of the passenger suitcase was at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport.

Previously, the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police revealed a case of alleged theft with weights in the Makassar-Jakarta route compartment parked at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport on Sunday (26/5) at around 22.40 WITA.

Deputy Head of Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police, AKBP Ronald Sipayung in his statement in Jakarta explained that this case began when the victim JS (26) as the reporter arrived from Makassar using the Lion Air JT 703 Makassar (UPG)-Jakarta (CGK) plane.

"After the plane landed at Terminal 2E of Soekarno Hatta Airport, the reporter headed to the 'conveyor' to collect his baggage," he said.

After the complainant took his trunk in the form of a suitcase and two cardboard boxes, then the reporter checked that his valuables in the suitcase were gone.

The valuables are a gold ring, two diamond gold rings, 300 US dollars and 300 Singapore dollars.

"For this incident, the complainant suffered a loss of Rp40,175,000 and reported the incident to the Soekarno-Hatta Airport Police for further investigation," said Ronald.

After conducting an investigation in two locations, namely Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, five suspects were all working as carriers and domiciled in South Sulawesi.

The US suspect acted as the initiative, the opening of the suitcase and also the one who took all valuables and suspect H acted as the baggage supplier in the compartment. "Suspect A is tasked with taking goods from the cart to be lifted to the compartment," said Ronald.

Then suspect D handed over the trunk of the cart to be lifted to the plane and suspect T was in charge of arranging the trunk in the compartment.

According to him, the US suspect then received Rp7.1 million from the sale of foreign denominations and distributed it to his four colleagues amounting to Rp1.3 million each. Meanwhile, the US took Rp1.9 million.

The suspects were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code paragraph (1) 4 concerning theft committed by two people or more being threatened with a maximum sentence of seven years in prison

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