TANGERANG - The construction of the Tigaraksa Regional General Hospital (RSUD) in Tangerang Regency, Banten, received a warm welcome from local residents. Not only easy access to health but also the economy of the residents was also helped by the existence of this hospital.

The construction of the Tigaraksa Hospital is considered to provide significant benefits in improving health services to the community, especially residents of Kadu Agung Village and Tigaraksa Village and Villages throughout Tigaraksa District, even health services can be felt for the community and residents in 7 (seven) nearby sub-districts, namely Cisoka District, Solar District, Cikupa District, Jambe District, Panongan District, Legok District, and Curug District,

Asep Ahmad Hanafiah (27) and Anggi Abdul Muhyi (29), both from Kel. Kadu Agung, gave appreciation for the construction of this Tigaraksa Hospital. "For me personally, thank God the Tigaraksa Hospital has been built," he told reporters, Tuesday, July 2.

Asep emphasized that the construction of the Tigaraksa Hospital is very profitable for the people of Kel. Kadu Agung in particular and throughout Tigaraksa District in general. This is an extraordinary achievement that can improve public health," he said.

Previously, he said, access to health services required a long trip to hospitals in Tangerang City. "Now, people no longer need to experience these obstacles, even residents can take advantage of closer health facilities at Tigaraksa Hospital," he explained.

Asep emphasized that with the presence of the Tigaraksa Hospital, the people of Kadu Agung Village felt the positive impact of the health services provided by the hospital.

"Economically, residents around hospitals also experience benefits with opportunities to open new businesses, such as rice stalls, canteens, coffee shops, and various other businesses," he said.

Asep also added that the construction of this hospital provides opportunities for employment for local communities. "It can help reduce the unemployment rate in the area," he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Acting Director of Tigaraksa Hospital, Dr. M Faridzi Fikri, MKM said that now his party has implemented services as a hospital for hospitalizations and the Tigaraksa Hospital continues to improve itself to provide the best health services to the community through outpatient services and hold socio-humanitarian activities in the form of blood donors.

The Tigaraksa Hospital has also begun to socialize to the public the plan to provide outpatient services whose permits will be obtained in the near future. Later the Tigaraksa Hospital can provide 24-hour health services," he said.

It is said that RSUD officers are preparing to work as hospital employees well, attend training, and carry out service activities at the Tigaraksa Hospital which has been opened.

"For example, services at the General Poli, Poli Gigi, Poli Kebidangan and Kandungan, Poli Penyakit Dalam, Poli Jiwa, Poli Surgeon. Starting from June 2024, Tigaraksa Hospital also opened several new services, namely Poli Urologi on Tuesday and Thursday. Basic Immunization and KB Services service on Tuesday, he said. Dr. Faridzi Fikri, MKM medical equipment at the Tigaraksa Hospital has met medical device standards, according to the health minister's regulations both in terms of quality and quantity.

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