Chairman of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani responded to the survey results of the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) which placed the electability of PSI Chairman Kaesang Pangarep higher than the Chairman of Bappilu, Bambang Wuryanto alias Bambang Pacul in the election of the governor of Central Java (Pilgub Jateng) 2024.

Puan doesn't mind Kaesang's survey is better than his cadres.

"It's okay, it's good Kaesang," said Puan, Tuesday, July 2.

Puan did not deny that PDIP would consider Kaesang Maju Pilkada Central Java. According to him, the name of the youngest son of President Joko Widodo is also one of the things that is considered by PDIP.

"Yes, so that's one of the considerations too," said Puan.

It is known, the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) released the results of a survey related to the political map of the 2024 Central Java (Central Java) governor election (Pilgub). As a result, the name of the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Pangarep appeared as one of the candidates for governor (cagub) of Central Java who has high electability.

In fact, Kaesang's electability is in the highest ranking. Kaesang's name managed to beat other names, such as Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, Gerindra Party Politician Abdul Wachid, Central Java Gerindra DPD Chairman Sudaryono, former Deputy Governor of Central Java Taj Yasin, to PDIP Bappilu Chairman Bambang Wuryanto.

"Kaesang Pangarep was chosen by 25.6 percent at most, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi 16.1 percent, Taj Yasin 13.4 percent, Bambang Wuryanto (Pacul) 9.7 percent, Abdul Wachid 6.2 percent, Sudaryono 6 percent," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan when presenting the survey results, Sunday, June 30.

In addition, he continued, Kaesang also excels at the PDI-P (PDIP) base with 23.3 percent electability. He also excels on the basis of the Gerindra Party, PKS, PAN, Democratic Party, PSI, to the NasDem Party.

"Currently Kaesang Pangarep looks superior in every party base except Golkar, PKB and PPP," he said.

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