The loss due to the fire that hit two blocks in the main market of TU Kemang, Bogor City, Monday, July 1, is estimated to reach more than IDR 1 billion. In addition, the fire in the second parent market after the Kramajati Main Market is expected to affect the supply of vegetables in hundreds of markets in the Bogor, Depok, Tangerang to Sukabumi areas.

"Although there were no casualties, this fire caused trade activities to experience disruption, especially for loading and unloading activities and distribution of vegetables," said Head of TU Kemang Market Iwan Arief, Tuesday, July 2.

As can be seen, hundreds of trucks and open tub cars carrying vegetables from various areas were held for hours to enter the second largest main market in Jabodetabek.

Hundreds of these trucks were stopped from being accessed by market entrances to form a long queue of about 2 kilometers on Jalan Sholeh Iskandar.

Kevin (26), one of the vegetable transport drivers, admitted that he had been unable to enter for more than two hours to unload the vegetable supply. "We have been detained for about two hours. This is about to deliver cucumber vegetables," said Kevin.

As previously reported, the fire hit two blocks of TU Kemang Market, namely block 17 and 16. As a result, tons of vegetables were damaged and could not be distributed to various markets in the Jabodetabek and Sukabumi areas.

The main market of TU Kemang is the second largest main market in the Jabotabek area after the Kramajati main market. At least around 1,500 trucks and open transportation, which are the transportation of vegetable commodities, make transactions in this market.

To anticipate supply, market managers will optimize the non-burning market section to facilitate the distribution of vegetable commodities.

"We are trying to get normal. It was interrupted, but now we can walk again," added Iwan.

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