SULTENG - Floods and landslides hit nine houses in Tuva Village, Gumbasa District, Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi). The incident occurred on Sunday, June 30 at 23.30 WITA. "It's just that 17 families (KK) and nine houses in the Alere Hamlet were affected by landslides," he said. The access road to Alere Hamlet in Tuva Village from the main road is also cut off.

"A number of residents are still displaced and the urgent needs at this time are tents and food," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of Tuva Village, Bahtiar, said that to get to the disaster location, it can only be passed on foot." Alere Hamlet after the flood and landslides are still isolated because the road access to the area was damaged and filled with wood and mud," said Bahtiar. "There is also no heavy equipment to clean up landslides and materials due to being carried away by floods," he said.

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