JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR Benny K Harman questioned the fate of the previous KPK chairman, Firli Bahuri, who according to him just disappeared.

Benny raised this question when he highlighted the problems that have been in the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) recently.

Benny also asked the KPK ranks, one of which was the chairman of the KPK, while Nawawi Pomolango, to explain this.

"Please explain what is wrong with the Chairman of the KPK? Explain that. Explain to the public, not to us, to the public so that the public knows. Don't let it go, what's wrong? The public doesn't know what's going on in this KPK. The chairman of the KPK just disappeared, the period just disappeared," asked Benny in a working meeting of the KPK with Commission III of the DPR, Monday, July 1.

The Democrat politician also mentioned the KPK leadership who reported members of the supervisory board (Dewas). Then there was the KPK leadership who arbitrarily resigned after being declared to have violated the code of ethics.

Benny also questioned the power of the KPK, which he said was now fragile. Because it does not process its commissioners who violate ethics and corruption.

"Second, there are members of the KPK leadership, yes, reporting to members of the Council, yes. The KPK leadership is here, what is it? Is the KPK so fragile? It used to be there, the KPK leadership who was declared to have violated the code of ethics. Then, it's okay for him to resign, you know that," said Benny.

"I asked the Council at that time, why didn't it be processed legally? He committed an ethical violation and also committed a criminal act of corruption. Why not be processed?" he continued.

Benny then asked for these problems to be explained openly by the KPK. According to him, the KPK will not be able to carry out its authority if the conditions inside are fragile.

"These are two questions, if the KPK leadership is not explained openly, then the KPK is fragile, and if it is fragile it is impossible to carry out power, the extraordinary authority was earlier," said Benny.

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