JAKARTA - President Volodymyr Zelensky said the sooner the international community will help Ukraine, the closer peace will be, as Russia increases its attacks.

More than 28 months after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Russian troops continued to carry out routine attacks on Ukrainian cities as well as energy infrastructure.

On Sunday, Russian troops attacked two of Ukraine's largest cities, where a missile fragment fell in an apartment on the outskirts of Kyiv, while a guided bomb killed one person in Kharkiv.

On the outskirts of Obolon City in Kyiv, local military administration said pieces of Russian missiles that fell sparked a fire and damaged the balconys in a 14-story apartment building on Sunday.

Emergency services, writing on the Telegram messaging app, said five female residents were being treated for stress, while Mayor Vitali Klitschko said 10 residents had been evacuated.

The emergency service uploaded an online image showing at least four blackish balconys.

Chief of military administration for the Kyiv region said the missile fragments also fell outside the capital, causing injury and damage, although no details were given.

In Kharkiv, which never fell into Russia's hands in the early stages of the war, a guided bomb sparked a fire and killed a delivery service driver outside a depot on Sunday.

Regional Governor By Synehubov said nine people were injured, including an 8-month-old baby. Images uploaded online showed the depot and truck outside were badly damaged.

Separately, President Volodymyr Zelensky in a post on Telegram said Russia had used more than 800 guided bombs on Ukraine's targets in the past week.

He issued a new application in his evening video speech for a better weapon system.

"The sooner the world helps us deal with Russian warplanes launching these bombs, the sooner we can attack Russian military infrastructure and the closer we are to peace," he said.

Attacks on Kyiv are rarer than other cities, although the capital suffered a series of attacks in March.

Russian troops were prevented from advancing to Kyiv in the early weeks of the February 2022 invasion and deployed back along the 1,000 km (600 miles) front line in the east.

Kharkiv has recently been the target of routine attacks, but military analysts say his frequency has decreased since the United States allowed Ukraine to use its weapons on specific Russian targets.

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