Andika Ahid Widianto (26), the alleged perpetrator of the murder of his wife, Rizki Nur Arifahmawati (27), is still undergoing intensive examination at the Pulogadung Police Criminal Investigation Unit on Monday, July 1, 2024.

The perpetrator had the heart to brutally and cruelly kill his wife. The murder was motivated by a trivial problem, a household quarrel.

Imas, one of the residents around the crime scene (TKP) said that the victim Rizki died after being abused by her husband.

"The victim was hit around the face and head, then his mouth was bleeding," said Imas, a resident around the location, to VOI, Sunday, June 30.

It was later discovered that the perpetrator and the victim were a married couple who had just signed at the scene.

"The husband and wife only have about three weeks to sign there," he said.

Previously, a woman with the initials RNA (27) who was killed by her husband in a rented house in a plot on Jalan Al Mujahidin - Jalan Asoka, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta on Sunday, June 30, evening, turned out to be 2 months pregnant.

The victim died instantly pathetically after suffering severe head injuries. The perpetrator of the murder was her own husband.

"Often quarrels over household problems," said Imas, a local resident to reporters.

The perpetrators were immediately arrested by residents along with police officers from the Pulogadung Police, East Jakarta.

Pulogadung Police Chief Kompol Sutrisno said his party had not received information from the perpetrators of the murder even though they had been arrested.

"The perpetrator cannot be interrogated. We have not yet held the complete data," said Pulogadung Police Chief, Kompol Sutrisno when confirmed by VOI.

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