The West Java Regional Police brought 15 legal teams to attend the pretrial hearing of the main suspects in the Vina and Eky Cirebon murder cases, namely Pegi Setiawan, at the Bandung District Court.

"Today, we from the legal team from the West Java Regional Police are of course in accordance with the invitation from our court with a team of around 15 people, we will attend the trial," said Head of Legal for the West Java Regional Police, Komberi Nurhadi Handayani, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, July 1.

He said his party was ready to attend the pretrial hearing today. However, the judicial material cannot be discussed because it has entered the core material.

"This pretrial trial can be seen later, for other things, we may not need to convey it here because this concerns the material being prosecuted," he said.

He revealed that the West Java Police's legal team that will take part in the trial comes from the internal police.

The agenda for today's pretrial hearing is to hear the reading of the applicant's lawsuit to be continued with an answer.

"The agenda for the first day read out the petitioner's lawsuit and we gave the answer," he said.

Meanwhile, the attorney for Pegi Setiawan, Insank Safrudin, appreciated the West Java Police legal team that had been present at the trial today.

"I think it's a good thing, meaning there's no longer a delay, no more drama delays," he said.

He said his party had prepared 22 attorneys to help the pretrial trial.

"Other preparations as the legal team for Pegi Setiawan are very mature in understanding this request," he said.

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