MEDAN - A vocational high school (SMK) teacher in Medan Sunggal Subdistrict, Medan City, with the initials NIS (41) was arrested by the police. NS molested her two biological children.

The perpetrator's lecherous behavior was revealed when his wife reported her husband to the Sunggal Police. Head of Sunggal Police, Kompol Yasir Ahmadi said that sexual abuse occurred in January.

The perpetrator's wife asked her child. Until her daughter told about his father's lecherous deeds.

"The victim answered that the perpetrator had done it and the last one was on Wednesday, January 13 while complaining of his pain", said Yasir, Wednesday, March 17.

From that report, the police conducted an investigation and arrested the perpetrator.

"Armed with the minutes of witness examination and the results of Visum et Repertum (VeR), NIS was named a suspect in the perpetrator of molestation against his two biological children", said Kompol Yasir.

The perpetrator was charged under Article 82 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 81 paragraph (2) Jo 76 E of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35/2014 concerning Child Protection.

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