JAKARTA - The Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) stated that four turtles were rescued from hunting in the Pulau Banyak area, Aceh Singkil Regency.

"Previously, six turtles were found in a motorboat. Of the six, four were alive and there were injuries and two were dead," said Head of BKSDA Aceh Ujang Wisnu Barata, quoted by Antara in Banda Aceh, Sunday.

Previously, the Pulau Banyak SAR Team together with the local police received information that there was an alleged hunting of turtles in the waters of Palambak Island, West Banyak Island District, Aceh Singkil Regency, on Saturday (29/6).

Based on this information, the SAR Team together with the police headed to Palambak Island and found a motorboat containing six turtles, two dead and four alive.

When found, there were no people on the boat. Then, the motorboat and the turtle were taken to Balai Island, Pulau Banyak District, Aceh Singkil Regency.

"We, together with the police, are exploring the hunting of the turtles. We appreciate and thank the SAR Team and the police for taking the initiative to follow up on public reports regarding the hunting of turtles on Pulau Banyak," said Ujang Wisnu Barata.

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