JAKARTA The Rotary Club of Bali Bersinar collaborated with Women's Prison, GTS Institute, KPRK, Perpina Bali, and Insita to hold yoga and meditation activities for residents of the Class IIA Women's Correctional Institution Kerobokan, Denpasar.

This event was attended by about 80 prison residents and staff, with facilitation from Indonesian Isha Foundation volunteers.

This event was held to coincide with the celebration of Yoga International Day 2024.

International Yoga Day itself was declared by the United Nations and has been consistently celebrated annually on June 21 since 2015. This year marks the 10th anniversary of this global event.

The head of Kerobokan Women's Prison welcomed this initiative and expressed his hope that yoga and meditation activities could take place regularly and sustainably.

"We believe that this yoga and meditation activity is very useful for our inmates. We hope this activity can run regularly," said Head of Kerobokan Women's Prison, Ni Luh Putu Andiyani.

Representative from Isha Foundation Luh Putu Mahyuni explained, Yoga is not only about physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being.

"We hope this activity can help prison residents find peace and balance in them," said Luh Putu Mahyuni

One of the participants said that the activity was beneficial to his body.

My body, which was initially very stiff, became even better after practicing namaskar yoga. After practicing breathing suddhi's breath, I felt calm inside," he said.

In addition to being held at the Kerobokan Women's Prison, a similar yoga and meditation event was also held at the Taman Permata Hati Foundation Orphanage with 30 participants from the age of 7-20 years.

The Bali Bersinar Rotary Club as the coordinator of this activity explained that yoga and meditation are one of their important programs to improve the quality of life of the community.

"We are committed to continuing to support activities that can have a positive impact on the community, including prison residents," said the representative of the Bali Bersinar Rotary Club.

This event is expected to be the first step in a series of similar activities that will continue to be carried out in the future, in order to provide sustainable benefits for the inmates of the Kerobokan Women's Prison.

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