JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of Bali for the 2018-2023 period Tjok Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati said he agreed with the proposal of the Acting Governor of Bali Sang Made Mahendra Jaya to impose sanctions on foreign tourists (tourists) who oppose not paying levies.

"I agree (given sanctions) if later there are recalcitrant ones, especially now that many recalcitrant tourists are not only sanctioned for levies on foreign tourists but for violations of their order," he said in Denpasar, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 30.

Cok Ace, as he is known, who was met after the Bali Arts Festival, considered that this proposal was appropriate to be given to foreign tourists who resisted, because the Rp15.000 foreign tourists levy was the policy of the Bali Provincial Government which had been in effect since February 14, 2024.

The regulation has been contained in Bali Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning Charges for Foreign Tourists for the Protection of Culture and the Bali Natural Environment which was initiated by Cok Ace with Governor Wayan Koster while still leading the Bali Provincial Government.

However, according to him, it is necessary to find out more about the reasons so far, only 40 percent of foreign tourists have paid levies.

This is because Cok Ace, who is also the Chairman of the PHRI Bali, sees that there is a possibility that the payment system for foreign tourists' levies has shortcomings and needs improvement, so that there are tourists who are scattered.

In general and through our survey, they (tourists) do not mind. If they don't pay stubbornly, they have been asked to still not pay, there must be a regulation that requires paying," he said.

Regarding the use of foreign tourists' levies, Cok Ace said that he had met the Acting Governor of Sang Made and was currently discussing the formation of a team to manage the use of the funds.

Those who are given the responsibility will later regulate the use of funds for cultural and natural protection in accordance with regional regulations.

However, Cok Ace reminded that the culture is broad, including the costs for the facilities or means of supporting the culture itself.

For information, previously the Acting Governor of Bali Sang Made Mahendra submitted a proposal that those who did not pay the foreign tourists' levies be given witnesses to minor crimes.

The proposal is planned to be included in the plan to revise the Bali Province Regional Regulation (Perda) regarding levies for foreign tourists.

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