JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini announced that social assistance (Bansos) from the central government per March and April will be disbursed in the fourth week of this month.

The social assistance from the central government distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs consists of Non-cash Food Assistance (BPNT) or the Basic Food program, the Family Hopes program (PKH), and Cash Social Assistance (BST).

"We hope that assistance can be realized in the fourth week of March. Likewise, the target for April, we will submit it in March, so that people can make purchases as soon as possible", said Risma in the Presidential Secretariat Youtube broadcast, Wednesday, March 17.

Risma said all types of assistance use electronic money. The distribution is through a non-cash system through channeling banks and PT Pos. The BNPT target recipients are 18.8 million families, PKH 10 million families, and BST 10 million families.

However, currently, not all data on social assistance recipients have been owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. This is because several local governments have not 100 percent matched data with population data.

"We have to pick up data improvements. So, in cooperation with the regions, we deploy staff to accelerate the 514 regencies and cities. We have to do this because the data that we issue must be correct", said Risma.

Direct involvement in this area, said Risma, also collaborated with the Director-General of Education and Civil Registration at the Ministry of Home Affairs.

She continued, the reason she was waiting for all the data to be matched according to the target was that there were many new proposals from the regions, such as replacing aid recipients who died and so on.

"We are still waiting from the regions for these proposals. Therefore, the regions must be able to fulfill them as soon as possible. Because we want to remove the shortage in the last week of March", she explained.

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