SOCIAL observer from Pakuan University (Unpak) Dr. Agnes Setyowati HM Hum conveyed several reasons that caused the Bogor area of West Java to become the area most exposed to online gambling.
"Bogor is a city located around Jabodetabek, which is one of the areas with a rapidly growing internet infrastructure in Indonesia," said Agnes in Bogor Regency, Saturday.
Availability of fast and stable internet access is an important factor in encouraging the popularity of online gambling in the region. In addition, he said, Bogor is also one of the densely populated cities in Indonesia. The high population density allows more individuals to be interested and participate in online gambling.
The next factor is the incessant promotion and marketing. According to him, with the arrest of a number of celebrities promoting online gambling sites in Bogor, it is indicated that there are strong marketing efforts, and of course it could affect the high number of online gambling players in the region.
He said research and observations were also needed regarding the culture of gambling, because gambling culture in an area could affect the popularity of online gambling.
"If gambling is considered common or accepted in the community, then it is likely that online gambling will also have a strong fan base," said the Unpak Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences (FISIB) lecturer.
In addition, said Agnes, it is also necessary to observe certain communities and networks. Because, sometimes the popularity of online gambling in an area can be influenced by the presence of a strong community or social network that is active in online gambling activities.
If there are groups or communities that share interest in online gambling in Bogor, this could affect the increasing popularity of online gambling in the city. Then, according to him, economic factors and people's financial conditions in an area can also affect the popularity of online gambling.
"If there is an economic instability or a high unemployment rate in Bogor, there are people who may be looking for ways to make additional money through online gambling," he said.
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