The Brebes District Attorney (Kejari) said the files and suspects of the Head of Jatimakmur Village, Suhendri, in the case of corruption in village funds amounting to Rp977.5 million were complete.

Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Brebes District Attorney's Office, Antonius, said that his party would immediately transfer the case to the Semarang Corruption Court.

"Yes, we will immediately transfer the case to the Semarang Corruption Court because the case file has been P-21 (complete)," he said when contacted by telephone, Friday, June 28, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, the case file was handed over by the Brebes Police to Kajari Brebes on Thursday 27 June. Currently, he continued, there has been enough P21 and its delegation has been prepared to the Semarang Corruption Court.

"Currently, the detention of the Suhendri Village Head has been carried out at the Brebes Detention Center, and as soon as possible to be transferred to the Semarang Corruption Court," he said.

Meanwhile, Suhendri was named a suspect on suspicion of corruption in village funds from 2019 to 2022. During that period, the embezzled village funds amounted to Rp977.57 million.

"Based on the audit of the Brebes Inspectorate, misappropriation of money obtained from capital assistance channels and activities that were not implemented, including the APBD Financial Aid budget which was not implemented or carried out by the suspect," he said.

Based on the findings, said Antonius, the village funds reached around Rp977.57 million, which had been corrupted, from assistance for bumdes capital participation of Rp34 million, direct cash assistance (BLT) for 333 beneficiary families amounting to Rp99.9 million.

In addition, the village fund budget for the construction of a mobile fence and talut is Rp. 210.7 million. However, realized Rp. 21.68 million.

From the results of the suspect's confession, he said, the money from corruption for online gambling (online) was in the form of slots, Singapore gambling, and trading.

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