JAKARTA - A total of 12 former employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who are now joining the Indonesia Calling (IM) 57+ Institute plan to register as candidates for leadership (capim) for the period 2024-2029. Registration will be implemented if their lawsuit at the Constitutional Court (MK) is granted.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the IM 57+ Institute, M. Praswad. He said they needed to wait for the Constitutional Court's lawsuit because the majority of those who registered were not sufficient for a minimum age limit of 50 years.

"That's right, several members of the IM 57+ Institute intend to register for the Capim," said Praswad in a written statement quoted on Friday, June 28.

One of the parties interested in registering, called Praswad, was himself. Then there are also Novel Baswedan who is a former investigator, Harun Al Rasyid who is a former investigator and is known as 'King of OTT', Budi Agung Nugroho, Andre Dedy Nainggolan, and Herbert Nababan.

Then there are also the names Andi Abd. Rachman Rachim, Rizka Anungnata, Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak, March Falentino, Farid Andhika, and Waldy Gagantaka.

"We are called to register and improve the KPK back to its establishment as a biological child of reform, an independent institution, and integrity which is the last hope of all Indonesian people," he said.

In addition, the current condition of the anti-corruption commission has also inspired the desire of these former employees to run. Thus, they have sued the KPK's capital life threshold.

"That's right (but this wish, ed) depends on the results of the lawsuit," said Praswad.

As previously reported, Novel Baswedan et al, who is a former KPK employee, submitted a judicial review or judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the minimum age limit for the head of the anti-corruption commission. The application was submitted on Tuesday, May 28.

"We are proposing this JR because of a real leadership crisis at the KPK, so this is not only a matter of our rights but an effort to make the KPK better," Novel said as quoted from his written statement, Wednesday, May 29.

Novel said the basis for this judicial review is the combination of a minimum limit of 40 years as stated in the old law and has experience as an employee for five years. He said, the KPK does need a young soul to hit the existing problems.

"The formation of the old KPK Law, including the determination of life, is one of the cornerstones to encourage KPK leaders to still have a young soul to push according to the age limit of other commissions that are present after reform," he said.

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