Secretary General of PAN Eddy Soeparno respects the attitude of PKS which has promoted the Anies Baswedan-Sohibul Iman pair for the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

Eddy said the dialogue and discussion process between political parties was still ongoing. In particular, the party members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) are preparing Ridwan Kamil as competitors.

"But we, the Forward Indonesia Coalition (KIM) as we said, have been determined from the start for this regional election, especially the gubernatorial elections and in particular the gubernatorial elections on the island of Java, we agreed to work together," said Eddy, Wednesday, June 26.

Eddy said that the political parties that are members of KIM are determined to carry the same cagub and cawagub in the Jakarta Pilkada. According to him, in any scenario politics it is possible. Including not supporting and preparing Anies Baswedan's competitors.

"Because so far the name in circulation is Ridwan Kamil," he said.

PAN realizes that Ridwan Kamil is a cadre of the Golkar Party who is also projected to run in the West Java gubernatorial election. However, he said, KIM was just waiting for the sincerity of the banyan party to propose its cadres to Jakarta.

"So far, what is always predicted by Mr. RK. Until now, in our discussion, of course, we have to see Mr. RK as a Golkar cadre, so it's like what needs to be sincere first is the Golkar Party," he said.

"And we really hope that whatever the output of our talks between the chairmen of the political parties in KIM will produce a pair of candidates who will be jointly promoted by KIM," concluded Eddy.

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