Israel's National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said the country's plans to "day after Hamas" would begin implementing in northern Gaza in the coming days.

Speaking at Reichman University's Herzliya Conference, Hanegbi said Israel's Defense Forces plans have been "sharpped" in recent weeks, and "we will see a practical expression of this plan" in the near future.

"We don't have to wait for Hamas to disappear, because this is a long process," said Hanegbi, as reported by The Times of Israel on June 25.

It is known that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has been criticized for months, due to his reluctance to implement plans to replace Hamas.

Hanegbi argues that the process of replacing Hamas is key to long-term victory in Gaza

"We can't get rid of Hamas as an idea, there we need alternative ideas," he said.

The alternative, he continued, is a government based on local residents who are willing to coexist with Israel. They must be supported by moderate Arab countries, he said.

"Once Hamas' ability to operate its military and civilian systems as it could on October 7 is seized, there will be more capabilities for countries wishing to see alternative governments other than Hamas in Gaza, with local leadership in Gaza, to join this process," he explained.

"This is starting to appear now," he said.

Regarding the Israeli hostages in Gaza, Hanegbi said he agreed time did not go according to the wishes of the hostages, but expressed optimism that current efforts to reach an agreement would be successful.

"Currently heavy international pressure is on Hamas; there is a possibility it will work," he explained, adding that Qatar was also under pressure to get the militant group leadership to support the proposal submitted by US President Joe Biden on May 31.

Hanegbi called the offer "Israel's proposal."

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