JAKARTA - The French army will not be sent to war in Ukraine in the near future, French President Emmanuel Macron said.

"I don't think that war will happen in our territory, I want to assure you. We will also not engage in hostilities in Ukrainian territory tomorrow, I can assure you," he told Generation Do it Yourself quoted by AFP, Tuesday, June 24.

Macron said he understood the concerns of those who "are afraid the conflict will spread to France."

After a conference on Ukraine in Paris on February 26, French President said participating countries had considered sending ground troops to Ukraine.

Although no consensus has been reached, Macron leaves the door open for a similar scenario in the future. Macron then reiterated the issue of sending troops to Ukraine can be lifted again if Kyiv asks for it and if "Russian troops break through the front lines."

Emmanuel Macron in the Podcast says he is ready to continue dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"I will continue the dialogue with Vladimir Putin," he said on the Generation Do It Yourself podcast reported by TASS, Tuesday, June 25.

"No, we haven't (communicated) in recent months, but I don't rule out discussing one problem or another," he said.

The French leader stressed he "trusted the power of dialogue." I speak very sincerely: I believe the importance of continuing dialogue, "said Macron.

He admitted that he wanted to discuss with the Russian leader, especially the issue of nuclear power plants, without elaborating on what he meant.

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