JAKARTA - Puing, which is thought to have originated from a Chinese rocket, was seen falling to the ground above a village west of China. The rocket casing left a bright yellow smoke trail and made the villagers run.

The dramatic video footage came shortly after the Long March 2C-carrying rocket was launched at 15.00 local time, Saturday, June 22 from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the southwestern province of Sichuan.

The rocket sends Space Variable Objects Monitor into orbit, a powerful satellite developed by China and France to study the furthest stellar explosion known as gamma-ray bursts.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping has promised to make his country the dominant space force, increasing missions to compete with the great powers of other worlds, including the United States.

The launch on Saturday last week was declared a " total success" by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), a state-owned contractor developing the Long March 2C rocket.

But the success also brought horror to the residents of Xianqiao Village. In the uploaded video, it shows pieces of long-cylindrical debris falling over the village and falling beside the hill, with yellow smoke billowing from one end.

Another video circulating on Chinese social media platform analyzed by CNN shows debris falling from various angles.

In one of the locations, villagers, including children, were seen running around while looking back at orange tracks in the sky, and some of them covered their ears due to rocket debris impacts to the ground.

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