PALANGKA RAYA - The ranks of the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) of the Central Kalimantan Police have appointed the director of PT Mitra Tala, with the initials GIF, to be a suspect in cases / activities of coal mining in East Barito Regency (Bartim).

Head of Subdit IV/Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalteng, AKBP Joko Hadono said the case was revealed when his party found a pile of coal in East Barito Regency.

"Then we conducted an examination related to licensing documents and we checked with the Central Kalimantan Investment and One Stop Integrated Service Service (DPMPTSP), it turned out that it was indicated that the company was operating illegally," he said at a press conference in Palangka Raya as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 24.

He explained, based on the investigation of PT Mitra Tala, it was known that he received a letter of recommendation for the use of forest areas for coal production operations and supporting facilities issued by the Central Kalimantan DPMPTSP which was not registered in the official licensing book.

The police also found that the issuance of special terminal permits on behalf of PT Mitra Tala which was not in accordance with the procedure, namely that the special terminal was included in a production forest area that could be converted and did not yet have a permit for the use of forest areas (PPKH) from the minister.

"The company has been operating from June 2023 to November 2023 in East Barito Regency. Currently, the investigation of the case has been declared complete and we have transferred it to the prosecutor's office," he said.

Joko said that currently his party had investigated the alleged involvement of a staff member at the Central Kalimantan DPMPTSP regarding the issuance of a recommendation letter obtained by PT Mitra Tala.

Even so, in this case, his party did not review how much the state lost due to the illegal mining activities, because his party only took action related to the actions of the suspect in carrying out illegal mining.

"We have transferred it to the sub-directorate of corruption in investigating the alleged involvement of Central Kalimantan DPMPTSP personnel and state losses," he said.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 9 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption, with the threat of a sentence of five years in prison and a maximum fine of IDR 250 million.

The suspect was also charged with Article 55 of the Criminal Code paragraph 1 to 2, concerning those who by giving or promising something by abusing power or dignity, neglecting, or by giving opportunities, facilities or information, deliberately encouraging others to commit a criminal act.

"We have submitted the suspect and evidence in the form of documents and legality, mining equipment and coal samples to the prosecutor's office and are ready for trial," said Joko Hadono.

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