The progress of the implementation of New Student Admissions (PPDB) for the Elementary School (SD) and Junior High School (SMP) levels in Bogor City which is under the authority of the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik) is still in progress, while the PPDB at the SMA level has the authority of the West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the Regional II Branch Office (KCD).

Acting (Pj) Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari emphasized that PPDB levels of elementary and junior high schools are still running. For high school PPDB, it is the authority of the West Java Provincial Government, but the Bogor City Government will not let go to help its citizens implement this high school PPDB.

"For issues that are casusistic, we always convey and find solutions with the province through KCD. In fact, I went directly to the Head of Education because I am a provincial person, I take advantage of the network and good relations with the Head of Office. I think there will be improvements when compared to last year, both high schools, especially elementary and junior high schools. If the SMA information from KCD has responded a lot to issues that occurred last year, "said Hery.

He admitted that dissatisfaction would definitely occur in the community, but his party appealed to the public to inspire through PPDB helpdesk in Bogor City and Province.

"Because we are preparing PPDB help desks. Regarding population documents, we are better prepared, there is verification and validation earlier. We have created a team for mitigation so that it can be minimized, such as fake families, zoning is also expanded to junior high schools and others," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bogor City Disdik Junior High School Division, Elyis Sontikasyah, said that currently for the PPDB SD phase one of the Affirmation, crew and the transfer of parents/student teachers have been completed since the opening of registration on June 4 and the announcement until the re-registration until June 11, where the remaining stage one capacity quota has been diverted to the second stage quota.

Meanwhile, the second stage of the zoning route has been completed starting from registration on the 11th to re-registration until June 20.

"At the end of the closing of the online PPDB, there are still quotas with a capacity of 2,732, related to this for schools that have not fulfilled their capacity to open offline registration in their respective schools until the quota is met," he said.

Meanwhile, the progress of the PPDB at the junior high school level is still in stage one, namely for Affirmation, ABK (Children with Special Needs), Transfer of duties for parents / teachers / education personnel, academic achievements, non-academics and report cards which were opened on June 19 and ended on June 21.

From this process, the progress of PPDB SMP until the closing of registration phase one is as follows. For the Affirmation route of 2,422 registrants verified 2,193, for the ABK route out of 23 verified registrants 21, for the transfer of duties of parents / teachers / education personnel from 341 registrants verified 301 and for academic, non-academic achievement pathways and report cards from 1,660 registrants verified 1,631. As for stage two on the new zoning route, it will be opened from 1 to 5 July 2024.

To ensure that all mechanisms and registrations are carried out according to the rules and regulations with the basis in accordance with Perwali Number 13 of 2024 concerning PPDB Guidelines and Mayor's Decree Number 400.3/Kep.169-Disdik/2024 concerning the 2024/2045 PPDB Committee that the City Level PPDB Committee chaired by the Head of the Education Office is tasked with coordinating the implementation of PPDB in the education unit.

By involving several parties according to the authority of each regional apparatus involved (Disdukcapil, Social Service, Dispora, Disdukcapil) to verify according to their authority and competence.

"So all processes and mechanisms carried out are guided by Perwali Number 13 of 2024 and with the involvement of other OPDs in verifying, it is hoped that the results can be better. So all PPDB stages start from the distribution of accounts, uploads and document verification, announcements, to re-registered according to the Perwali," he said.

For this reason, if the results of the PPDB selection have been announced, it is certain that there will be no further changes, unless it is found that the registrant has documents that are not appropriate when re-registered.

"We make sure it will also be disqualified," he said.

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