SOUTH KALIMANTAN - Hulu Sungai Tengah Police (HST) in South Kalimantan (Kalsel) took steps to prevent online gambling by checking cellular phones or cellphones of its personnel

HST Police Chief AKBP Jimmy Kurniawan said the checks were carried out regularly after the morning rally.

"Currently, there is quite a lot of news in the media regarding unscrupulous members of the National Police who are caught in online gambling cases, I don't want any members of the HST Police to be involved. I will take firm action," said Jimmy in Barabai, HST, Sunday, June 23, quoted by Antara.

He said routine checks were not only during morning apples, but would be carried out in certain times and conditions if needed.

"Some time ago, the Deputy Chief of the HST Police also directly checked the personnel's cellphones after the morning rally, we will continue to do this to prevent all forms of online gambling activities," he said.

Jimmy stressed that he would brush and take firm action against all members involved in gambling acts both online and directly.

According to him, online gambling games today are very disturbing, even more dangerous than drug cases, because if you are addicted, it will not only damage yourself but also your family, including tarnishing the good name of the National Police agency.

As members of the National Police, said Jimmy, it should be able to maintain the dignity, dignity, and good name of the police institution in order to serve, protect, and protect the community.

Therefore, he reminded that every member of the HST Police should be strictly prohibited from being involved in all forms of gambling, both online and offline, because severe sanctions await until they lead to dismissal and imprisonment.

"This examination also aims to prevent violations of the code of ethics and criminal acts for personnel who can damage the image of the National Police agency," he said.

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