JAKARTA - Former Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok stated that he was ready to fight again in the 2024 Jakarta Governor and Deputy Governor Election (Pilgub). Ahok feels better prepared to be the governor of Jakarta than before, thanks to his experience during his four years in charge of Jakarta and his position as the main commissioner at Pertamina.

"I am now much more prepared to be governor. The experience of four years leading Jakarta and optimizing costs at Pertamina has taught me many lessons. The good government must be carried out such as the corporate, providing a lot of CSR and dividends to its owners," Ahok said after the event in Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Saturday 22 June.

Ahok mentioned that his experience as head of government and commissioner at large companies made him confident that he could organize Jakarta even better. He emphasized the importance of more infrastructure to support urban development.

On a separate occasion, PDI-P politician Masinton Pasaribu commented on Ahok's statement. According to Masinton, Ahok is one of several PDI-P cadres who have the potential to advance in the 2024 Jakarta gubernatorial election. Other names that emerged from the internal PDI-P include Andika, Pramono Anung, Risma, and Anies Baswedan.

"Pak Basuki has a strong track record, has stepped forward to the regional elections twice and led Jakarta and Pertamina. However, the final decision remains in the hands of the party," said Masinton.

The PDI-P, although it has 15 seats in the DKI Jakarta DPRD, requires additional seats to be able to nominate regional heads independently. Therefore, the party must build communication with other political parties to achieve the minimum requirements of 22 seats.

Masinton also explained that the PDI-P is conducting a survey to understand the aspirations of Jakarta residents and determine the most appropriate candidates.

"We have to look at the portraits and aspirations of the people of Jakarta before deciding who to carry," he added.

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