Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak said his party was examining a number of witnesses to investigate the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU) by former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri.

"Our agenda is conducting examinations or conducting additional information on several witnesses. I coordinated the latter with the Public Prosecutor (Jaksa public prosecutor) of the DKI Jakarta Prosecutor's Office," Ade told reporters, quoted on Saturday, June 22.

Ade ensured that the investigation and investigation of the case that dragged Firli was still ongoing, be it cases of alleged money laundering offenses, extortion, and gratuities.

"We make sure it will run professionally transparent and accountable and we will definitely update the progress," he explained.

Polda Metro Jaya also extended the period of prevention abroad for Firli Firli to be prevented from leaving the country since November 24, 2023. However, Ade did not specify how long Firli's extension of the prevention abroad would be.

"We'll update it later. What is clear (the prevention period abroad) has been extended," said Ade.

The prevention was carried out because Firli Bahuri is now a suspect in the extortion and gratification case against former Agriculture Minister (mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo alias SYL in handling corruption cases at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) in 2021.

Even though he is a suspect, Firli has not yet been detained. However, Polda Metro confirmed that Firli was still in Indonesia.

"Everything has been done, we make sure the suspect is still in Indonesia," said Ade.

For information, the handling of the alleged extortion case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, with the suspect Firli Bahuri developing. Polda Metro Jaya is now investigating the alleged money laundering crime (TPPU) committed by the inactive KPK chairman.

"Including one of the things that we will target related to the crime of money laundering," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak some time ago.

However, no further details regarding the steps that have been or will be taken regarding this matter. Ade only emphasized that the investigation into the alleged money laundering offense was one of the next investigation agendas after the alleged extortion.

"Regarding the crime of money laundering, it will be one of the investigation agendas of the joint investigation team," said Ade.

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