JAKARTA - The Palestinian government praised the decision of the Republic of Armenia to officially recognize the Palestinian State as an independent and sovereign state.

In a press statement, the government expressed deep appreciation for this "brave and significant decision," seeing it as "an important step towards improving bilateral relations and evaporating peace and stability in the region."

The Palestinian government thanked Armenia for its "brave and wise move, which underscores the strong bonds of friendship between the two countries."

In addition, Palestine also praised the commitment of the government and the people of Armenia to support the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights to their land and to determine their own destiny.

" Armenia's wise decisions are in line with the principles of a two-state solution, a strategic choice that upholds international wishes and legitimacy," he said in a statement Friday, launching WAFA June 21.

"This recognition contributes positively to preserving the two-state solutions, which face systematic challenges, and promote security, peace, and stability for all parties involved," he continued.

Palestinian leadership urges other countries, particularly European countries that do not recognize the Palestinian State, to follow suit based on international legitimacy resolutions based on the 1967 border, which includes Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.

The presidency called on these countries to emulate the recent recognition by Spain, Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, and Armenia which have chosen to support the path to peace, stability, and strengthening of international law.

Palestinian leadership expresses its gratitude to all countries and friendly communities who have contributed to achieving this milestone.

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