JAKARTA - Iran has firmly condemned Canada's move to include its elite troops, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on the list of terrorist organizations, calling it an unwise political move.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Vehi described the Canadian Government's uncountable decision as an act of hostility, contrary to applicable international law norms and principles, including the principle of equality of sovereignty and not interfering in the country's internal affairs, a clear example of Iran's national sovereignty violation.

"This irresponsible and provocative move is a continuation of the wrong path the Canadian government has taken over the past decade under the influence of war inciters, real human rights violators and main perpetrators of terrorism", said Mizi, launching the Iranian Foreign Ministry website on June 20.

Lebih lanjutnya menegaskan, IRGC adalah organisasi berdaulat yang lahir dari bangsa Iran, memiliki identitas resmi dan hukum yang berasal dari Konstitusi Republik Islam Iran.

"The Canadian Government's disgusting actions against the IRGC will not have an impact on the production of legitimate and preventive forces, as well as an increase in the level and scope of the splendor of the honorable forces born to the Iranian nation," he said.

He added that Iran has the right to respond to Canada's actions proportionally and reciprocal.

Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, strongly condemned the political, unconventional, and unwise act of the Canadian government in declaring the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. https://t.co/scCiQw8K7B pic.twitter.com/4ixfECEIDr

Earlier, Canada included the IRGC on the country's terrorist list and could investigate former senior Iranian officials living in the country, a senior cabinet member said on Wednesday.

"Canada will use all possible tools to combat terrorist activities carried out by the IRGC," said Public Security Secretary Dominic LeBlanc, saying the announcement reflected "very strong and convincing evidence".

Opposition in parliament has long demanded that the IRGC be included in the list. However, the liberal government rejected it by saying it risks causing unwanted consequences.

Asked why the decision took so long, LeBlanc said the decision had been taken under the law and advice from the security agency, not as a result of political pressure.

Once a group is included in a terrorist list in Canada, police can charge anyone financially or materially in favor of the group and the bank can freeze assets.

In October 2022, Canada said it would ban IRGC's top leadership from entering the country and promise more targeted sanctions.

"Senior Iranian government officials currently and previously in Canada can be investigated and deported," LeBlanc said, without elaborating on the identities and numbers of people who may be on the terrorist list.

Previously, Canada had included the IRGC wing overseas, the Quds Forces, as a terrorist group. Ottawa itself cut diplomatic ties with Tehran in 2012.

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