Samarinda Police arrested the perpetrators of violent theft and severe abuse in order to control the property of his father-in-law amounting to Rp300 thousand.
"The incident occurred on Monday, May 27 at the victim's house on Jalan Jelawat, Gang 10, Number 45C, Sidomulyo Village, Samarinda," said Samarinda Police Chief Kombes Ary Fadli during a press conference in Samarinda, Antara, Wednesday, June 20.
Ary explained that the victim was a retiree named Widiyono (82). The victim was found unconscious and covered in blood in his house. Based on the results of the investigation, the perpetrator named Solikin (39), is the son-in-law of the victim.
"Solikin has the heart to carry out acts of persecution because he wants to control the victim's property," said Ary.
Solikin was arrested with his partner, Iwan Septiadi alias Palembang (32).
To the police, Solikin admitted that he was upset that the victim was suspected and accused of drug abuse and theft of money.
"Out of anger, Solikin planned a murder with the help of Iwan," said Ary.
Ary said Iwan came to the victim's house and took action on Monday night. Iwan hit the victim with iron on the neck, in addition to strangling the neck and hitting the victim repeatedly in the face.
After the victim was unconscious, Iwan took Rp300,000 from the victim's wallet and fled. The victim was then rescued by residents and hospitalized.
The Samarinda City Police Criminal Investigation Unit Elang Team who received the report of the incident immediately hunted down the perpetrators. The two perpetrators were arrested along with evidence, namely silver rings, long iron, and black sheets.
The perpetrators were charged with Article 365 Paragraph 2 to 4 and/or Article 355 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 55 or Article 56 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison.
"Currently, Solikin and Iwan are being held at the Samarinda City Police for accountability for their actions," said Ary.
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