JAKARTA - The owner of the arkham_87 i Instagram account, Arkham, finally apologized after giving a reckless comment to the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Arkham was caught writing a comment on Instagram @garudarevolution about 'What does he know about football, just because he was given a position' in response to Gibran's wish for the Menpora Cup semifinals and finals to be held in Solo.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak said that his party gave an explanation to Arkham when he visited the police station.

The Pilkada in Solo was carried out through a long mechanism, involving many parties and through a democratic process. As a result, Arkham's comment was completely wrong.

"There is an election organizer there, namely the KPU, there is an election supervisor, namely Bawaslu, there are all of them. That the position of regional head is not a gift but a democratic process, involving all citizens who have the right to vote," said Chief of Police Ade Safri as quoted by the Youtube channel, Surakarta news, Tuesday. , March 16th.

This explanation is educational for Arkham as well as other social media users to be wise in commenting. Cyber space must be used for productive, healthy and ethical activities.

According to the Police Chief, there have been 3 to 4 similar cases handled by the police. Blasphemers will be summoned to the office, given an explanation of the fallacy of what was written.

"This is also the implementation of the Chief of Police's priority program, the precision in which the virtual police team is present to educate the public while at the same time carrying out the function of monitoring netizens and the use of medos in order to create a digital space that is healthy, clean and ethical and productive, and remains responsible," said the Chief of Police. .

For information, at that time Arkham commented on the post regarding the wishes of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, that the Menpora Cup semifinals and finals be held in Solo. Arkham's comment was answered by the Surakarta Police's Instagram account.

"Don't be easy to comment on hoaxes on social media," said the Surakarta Police admin, mentioning the arkham_87 account.

Arkham hurriedly apologized in his comment. "Ready sir, apologize in advance," he said. But this problem continued until Arkham was brought to the Surakarta Police office. Arkham publicly apologized to Gibran.

"I am the owner of the arkham_87 account on Saturday, March 13 at 18.00 WIB, it is true that I wrote a comment on the @gardarevolution Instagram account with 650 thousand followers about the semifinals and finals of the Menpora Cup in Solo. I hereby apologize to Mr. Gibran Rakabuming Raka and all the people of Surakarta City, "Arkham said in the uploaded video, Monday, March 15.

"I regret it and will not repeat it again, if I repeat it can be processed according to the applicable law," said Arkham.

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