JAKARTA - The National Police said that Saka Tatal, who was one of the convicts in the Vina-Eky Cirebon murder case, tended to lie when telling stories about intimidation while undergoing an examination in 2016.

This tendency is based on information from the Correctional Center (Bapas) which shows evidence of photos while accompanying Saka Tatal when undergoing an examination.

"So the statement from the Fathers that Saka Tatal is lying when giving information has changed," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, quoted on Thursday, June 20.

Not only that, the National Police also denied Saka Tatal's statement about the intimidation carried out by investigators during the examination process.

In fact, from the photo document eight years ago, Saka Tatal underwent an examination accompanied by his family and Fathers. This is because the convict was still a minor when the handling of the Vina Cirebon murder case was early.

"This photo Saka Tatal was examined in 2016 and he said the one who checked was Rudi or Eky's father, this was examined by Cirebon Police investigators. It was raised or the photo was widened again that Saka Tatal was photographed being examined in good condition," he said.

"There is no intimidation accompanied by a woman in front is her aunt. Then the one wearing the headscarf is her mother, then the man is behind from the Fathers," continued Shandi.

Saka Tatal is known to have engaged in intimidation and acts of violence during the examination process.

"When I arrived at the police station, I was not asked, suddenly I was immediately tortured, beaten, trampled until I was electrocuted. I was forced to confess," said Saka.

Saka Tatal is one of 8 convicts in the Vina Cirebon case. The Cirebon City District Court sentenced him to 8 years in prison.

However, due to remission, Saka Tatal was released from condition in 2020 after serving a legal period of 3 years and 8 months.

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