The National Police revealed one of the facts behind the Vina-Eky murder case in Cirebon. The families of the perpetrators were said to have tried to bribe witnesses who would testify at the 2016 trial.

"I'm sorry that a sum of money was lured to not provide information according to what he knew, what he saw, and what was known," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Shandi Nugroho, quoted Thursday, June 20.

However, it was not clearly explained how much money was offered by the suspects' camp.

It was only conveyed that the attempt to bribe the witness was carried out so as not to convey the actual facts that were known.

"In the facts of the court, there were witnesses who were visited by the lawyers of the perpetrators, along with the parents of the perpetrators, who asked not to provide information according to the facts," said Shandi.

In Vina's case, the seven suspects who have been tried are Aditya Wardana, Eko Ramadhani, Hadi Saputra, Jaya, Eka Sandi, Sudirman, and Supriyanto.

Meanwhile, in handling the current case, the West Java Police have completed the preparation of the case files for the suspect Sigi Setiawan alias Perong in the alleged murder case of Vina and Muhammad Rizky alias Eky. Thus, investigators plan to hand it over to the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).

"The hard work of West Java Police friends who carry out professional, procedural, and proportional investigations day and day, God willing, tomorrow morning the case will be submitted to the prosecutor's office," said Shandi.

In compiling the case file, investigators put forward the statements of 70 witnesses and experts. Some of the testimony was burdensome for the suspect, Pegi Setiawan alias Perong and some were mitigating.

Not only that, investigators also put forward expert statements such as criminal experts, forensic experts, psychologists, and IT experts.

The expert's statement helped investigators to uncover the murder case of Vina and Eki scientifically crimes investigation.

"The witnesses who were examined for the suspect in the Pegi alias Perong case were 70 people and of them there were 18 witnesses who incriminated the suspect Pegi and others there were mitigating witnesses," said Shandi.

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