JAKARTA - After the last few days of rain, the weather conditions in Jakarta on Thursday, June 20, 2024 are predicted to be sunny and cloudy.

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) noted that the temperature in Jakarta today ranges from 24-32 degrees Celsius. The humidity reaches 55%-90%.

In the morning, the weather in all areas in Jakarta is predicted to be sunny. Towards noon, the weather will turn cloudy, but it doesn't rain. Then at night, the weather will be sunny again.

Meanwhile, in the areas of Depok, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi, in general, the conditions are also cloudy.

In Indonesia alone, currently 36% of its season zones have entered the dry season. However, the BMKG still warns to be aware of the potential for extreme weather that could occur in some areas that have not yet entered the dry season.

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