JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Analyst Report Center (PPATK) has blocked 5,000 accounts related to online gambling. From the deepening, it was found that funds flowed to dozens of countries.

"Our analysis is related to around 20 countries at this time," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana to reporters, Tuesday, June 18.

The flow of funds is called a very large amount. However, it is not detailed about the value.

Ivan only conveyed that from the results of the analysis, the flow of online gambling funds led to dozens of countries in the ASEAN region.

"Yes, so (the flow of funds to ASEAN countries)," said Ivan.

PPATK Public Relations Group Coordinator Natsir Kongah said that his party blocked 5,000 individual accounts and groups related to online gambling cases.

However, it cannot confirm the value of the transactions in the thousands of accounts.

"It continues to increase, so far we have blocked 5,000 accounts and I forgot the figure, but if the accumulation has been submitted, the head in the first quarter of 2024 will reach Rp600 trillion," said Natsir.

Nevertheless, Natsir revealed that around 80 percent of the 3.2 million online gambling players who had been identified, on average they played above Rp100 thousand. The profiles that play online gambling also vary, ranging from students, students to even housewives.

"This is quite worrying for us as the nation's children. Where, for example, the family's income is said to be Rp. 200,000 per day, if the Rp. 100,000 is used for online gambling, it is significant to reduce the nutrition of the existing family," explained Natsir.

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