JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the PKS Syuro Council, Hidayat Nur Wahid (HNW) said Anies Baswedan had undergone a Fit and Fit Test (UKK) at the DKI Jakarta PKS Regional Leadership Council (DPW) level to run as a candidate for governor (cagub) in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada.

This was said by HNW that I was asked about the UKK Anies Baswedan after being proposed as a cagub by the DKI Jakarta PKS DPW.

"DPW has done (UKK terhadap Anies, ed)," ujar HNW di Jakarta, Selasa, 18 Juni. Namun, HNW tidak menjelaskan lebih lanjut hasil dari UKK DPW tersebut. Menurutnya, keputusan soal Anies maupun Cakada lainnya tergantung keputusan DPP.

In addition to considering the proposal from DPW, continued HNW, PKS is also working on its own cadres to run in the Jakarta Pilkada. Meanwhile, the DPP allows the proposed DPW to process the Cakada.

"As for the candidate for governor, we discussed that the internal PKS cadres should be nominated, because to this day those who propose are indeed DPW," he explained.

Therefore, the Deputy Chairperson of the MPR cannot confirm when the PKS DPP will issue recommendations for the 2024 regional elections, especially for Jakarta.

"I can't be sure. Because the full rights are in the DPP. But please pray so that we can also decide the best, but also the fastest," concluded HNW.

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