JAKARTA The position of Jakarta, which is estimated to be a national barometer, is considered as the reason Anies Baswedan has again targeted the governorship position in the 2024 Jakarta Pilkada. This is because victory in the Jakarta Pilkada will be the capital to compete in the upcoming 2029 presidential election.

The names of Anies have been recommended by three administrators of the Jakarta regional political parties, DPW PKB Jakarta, DPW PKS Jakarta and DPD PDIP Jakarta. On the other hand, Anies expressed his readiness to compete again in the Jakarta Pilkada.

"Jakarta will remain a national political barometer in the future even though the capital city has moved to IKN. Therefore, winning in Jakarta can be a capital in 2029," said BRIN political observer Siti Zuhro, Sunday, June 16, 2024.

Moreover, there was no rejection from Anies after receiving official support from the Jakarta PKB DPW to run in the regional elections. This means that this phenomenon is a tit for tat between the two parties. According to Wiwiek, Siti Zuhro's nickname, from the perspective of a politician, Anies took advantage of the opportunity that exists in order to maintain his prestige in the next few years.

The reason is, if it does not appear to the surface or occupy public office, the public will forget the figure of Anies Baswedan. Moreover, apart from PKB, it is still open to other political parties to carry Anies, who is listed as the incumbent in Jakarta.

"If you are no longer in office, you may be forgotten. Moreover, Anies is also not the general chairman of a political party, he is an individual," he said.

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