JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 62 of 2024 which regulates employee performance allowances (tukin) within the Indonesian Television Broadcasting Institute (TVRI).

Reported by ANTARA from the copy of the Perpres on the Documentation and Legal Information Network (JDIH) page of the Ministry of State Secretariat in Jakarta, Friday, the amount of employee tukin with the highest class of positions reached Rp24,930,000.00 per month, while the lowest was at a nominal value of Rp1,766,000.00/month.

The regulation, which regulates the tvRI civil servant, was officially promulgated on June 13, 2024.

In Article 2 point 2 of the Presidential Regulation, it is stated that the provision of performance allowances for TVRI employees considers the achievement of employee performance in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

The performance allowance as referred to in Article 2 is not given to TVRI employees who do not have certain positions, are temporarily dismissed, and have been dismissed from their organic positions by being given waiting money.

This provision also applies to TVRI employees who are undergoing leave outside of state responsibility or are free from duty to prepare for retirement.

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