The Kudus Resort Police, Central Java, has named the board of a boarding school in Dawe District with the initials AS as a suspect on suspicion of violence that caused the hands of the two students to collapse due to the punishment of being put into hot water.

"The US suspect is also threatened with five years in prison for violating Article 80 paragraph 2 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2022 concerning Child Protection," said Kudus Police Chief AKBP Dydit Dwi Susanto as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 13.

He hopes that this case will become a lesson for all parties, so that cases of violence against students do not happen again.

The chronology of the incident began when the US perpetrator checked the santri room. As a result, cigarettes, vape, and tobacco were found stored in the cupboard.

However, he said, none of the students recognized the ownership of the goods.

Then the US gathered approximately 14 students to be punished by preparing hot water mixed with cold water in the basin.

Each student was asked to dip their hands into the baskom. However, of the dozens of students who diped their hands into the baskom, two students were broken.

"The caretaker of the cottage then contacted the victim's parents. Then the student received treatment at a hospital in Pati," he said.

The US perpetrators recognized the punishment in order to educate students to take responsibility for their actions.

Previously, he said, he did not know that the student's hand was limping, so he heard the news and was also surprised.

He admitted that he had no intention of injuring the students. Meanwhile, the punishments that are often given are cleaning the bathroom, memorizing the surah of the Koran, until asked to stand up.

"I also regret that the sentence resulted in two of his students being injured in the hands.

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