MEDAN - Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution received a letter of assignment from the Regional Representative Council (DPW) of the National Mandate Party (PAN) of North Sumatra Province (North Sumatra) to fight in the North Sumatra gubernatorial election.

The handover of the assignment letter was handed over directly by the Chairman of the North Sumatra PAN DPW Syah Afandin to Bobby Nasution at the North Sumatra PAN DPW office, Medan City, Wednesday, June 12.

Syah Afandin explained that the submission of the assignment letter was a mandate from the General Chairperson of Zulkifli Hassan to be followed up by the management in dealing with the contestation of regional heads in North Sumatra.

"Yesterday, we recorded the candidate for governor of North Sumatra. In accordance with the direction of the General Chairperson of PAN, Mr. Zulkifli Hasan, PAN only issued a letter of assignment for Bobby Nasution," said Syah Afindin after submitting the letter of assignment.

After receiving the letter of assignment, the man who is familiarly called Ondim said that his party would issue a recommendation letter which would later become a requirement for support for Bobby Nasution to run as a candidate for governor of North Sumatra.

"So the stage is a letter of assignment first, then after that a recommendation is given as a requirement. Hopefully later PAN will fight together," he said.

Ondim explained that there were a number of figures who took registration forms both as candidates for governor and deputy governor who would fight in the 2024 Pilkada.

He said that the former Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi, also took the registration form for the candidate for governor through his party.

"There is also Mr. Edy Rahmayadi who registered, the remaining four figures registered as representatives," he said.

However, he emphasized that the party bearing the Matahari Putih logo only issued a letter of assignment to Bobby Nasution to fight in the North Sumatra Pilkada in the 2024 Pilkada.

"This is a letter of assignment directly from the PAN DPP," he said

Meanwhile, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution welcomed the submission of a letter of assignment from the North Sumatra PAN.

He said the assignment letter was a joint symbol to build North Sumatra Province for the next five years.

"This task letter is one of the personal responsibilities in order to realize hopes to build North Sumatra. Hopefully this will be the right choice," he said.

Previously, Bobby Nasution also directly returned the form at the Gerindra DPD Office as well as declared himself to join the party founded by Prabowo Subianto on Monday (20/5).

President Joko Widodo's son-in-law through the team has also taken registration forms in six parties, namely, the Democratic Party, PKB, Perindo, PPP Hanura and NasDem.

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