JAKARTA - The staff of the Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto, Kusnadi, recounted the moment when he was questioned by investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Monday, June 10. Hasto's staff was bullied and scared him.
This was conveyed by Kusnadi after reporting the actions of a KPK investigator named Kompol Rosa Purbo Bekti to the National Commission (Komnas) HAM, Wednesday, June 12. Initially, he told the moment when investigators asked investigators to go up to the examination room.
Kusnadi said that at that time investigators admitted that they were summoned by Hasto, who was undergoing examination as a witness in the Harun Masiku case, who was still at large. However, he was examined and his belongings and Hasto Kristiyanto were confiscated by investigators.
"When he was examined, ed) he hit him, 'you've been silent'," said Kusnadi telling the moment to the media crew.
"I'm an ordinary person, I'm afraid," he continued.
Kusnadi also claimed not to know anything, including the reason investigators examined him. "He said it was for proof. I don't know. I don't know what evidence is for me, I don't know," he said.
Kusnadi said that investigators had confiscated his personal belongings. Among them are ATM cards and savings books with a nominal value of less than IDR 1 million.
As a result of this incident, Kusnadi admitted that it was difficult to provide support to his family in Brebes, Central Java. In addition, he also could not contact them.
Meanwhile, Kusnadi's attorney, Petrus Selestinus, asked that the report submitted could be investigated firmly and professionally. Moreover, his client is not the object of the examination.
"This is a violation of the law and human rights violations. So it was reported to Komnas HAM," concluded Petrus.
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