JAKARTA - Two women have been detained in Russia on suspicion of beating and brutal murder of a man after refusing to do aRIA in a cemetery. The perpetrators Rosa (29) and Martha (37) were reportedly drinking with victim Alexander (63) in a churchyard in Sovropol, a town southwest of Russia. Local reports stated that the women's friends were accused of carrying out a series of kicks and punches against men after she refused to have sex with them. Reports citing local police stated they beat him to death in the forest before hiding his body in a hole. "They dragged the body into the forest and hid it in a hole. Its body was later found and the women were detained with the murder case being opened," a local police report reported by the Mirror, Tuesday, June 11. The footage shows one of the women being escorted to a forest crime scene suspected by officers from the Russian Investigative Committee, who was seen carrying a doll before placing it on a piece of grass on the forest floor. One of the women was then seen placing her feet on the doll's body. In a statement, the victim, known to the two women, was subjected to a cruel attack in which they rained a series of punches with their hands and feet. "In an argument, the women hit the 63-year-old man many times with their hands and feet to his head and body," the report read. "The victim died at the scene as a result of his injuries. Wanting to avoid responsibility for the violation, the defendant dragged the deceased's body into a forested area and hid it in a hole." The two women were detained for two months for the death of the 63-year-old man at the funeral.
Sovropol is located several hundred kilometers east of Russia's occupied Crimea and has recently become a site Ukraine claims to be a successful drone strike against a Russian plane. In April, Ukrainian officials claimed to have shot down Tu-22M3, a Russian long-range strategic bomber carrying a cruise missile, causing it to crash into the area. But Russian officials told local publications RIA Novosti that the incident was caused by technical obstacles.

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